Maya took a fantastically delicious four-layer (cake) approach to building the Research Ops function at Thumbtack. You can read all the details in their detailed Medium post. The basic summary of layers is:
Layer one: compliance
Layer two: participant management (๐๐ฝ enter, Ethnio)
Layer three: cross-functional partners
Icing: growth of research
Ethnio makes a huge difference in our participant recruiting process by improving our response rate and reducing our no show rate
Ethnio fits into the second layer, participant management. They wanted a dedicated tool to maximize the efficiency of their participant recruiting process by improving their response rate and reducing no shows.
Maya and her team can now do things like add Thumbtack branding on all communications, increasing the likelihood of someone opening an invite email. They send automated, customizable reminders to participants which includes Zoom links to join a session, reducing missed sessions, and also offer multiple types of incentives as an added bonus for their participants.
Using Ethnio to reaching their own users has greatly streamlined their recruiting process, allowing them to focus on actual cake and probably other important work elsewhere.